Sunday, April 25, 2021


 I left you at Harlington in the last post. We now head for the railway station there, on the Midland Main Line. East Midlands Trains go flying through.....

......while Thameslink runs the local trains.

Next stop northwards is Flitwick. Here are two views of the station in Midland Railway days.

Fliwick was home to two bus companies, Buffalo Travel and Shorey's Coaches.

The next station along the line was Ampthill, long closed, as it was a long way from the small town of that name. The old station yard was once occupied by Prince of Wales Coaches.

And so to Ampthill itself, where we find a Greene King pub called, surprisingly, the Engine & Tender.

For beer lovers, a beeline is usually made to the Albion.

Just over the road is the Old Sun, also worth visiting.

Next up is the Ossary Arms. Despite it being a Greene King house, Whatpub reckons it has no real ale now.

Therefore, we move on, eastwards to Maulden and the George, from where I'll say, "Goodnight".

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After leaving Guiseley, our first stop is Baildon station, built by the Midland Railway to serve the village of that name up a great big hil...