Saturday, May 29, 2021


Let's start in the town centre of Louth, now one of the largest towns without a railway station. Here's the Market Place in 1953 (Photo in my collection, photographer unknown).

Lincolnshire Road Car was the main bus operator before Stagecoach took over.


With Louth being on the road to the coast, visiting coaches were frequent. Ribble and East Yorkshire are represented here.

A Royal Mail postbus served some of the more rural communities.

In Louth's small bus station an ex Felix of Hatfield AEC Regent V with Marfleet of Binbrook.

An unusual vehicle in the local Amvale fleet in January 2006.

Steam on a low-loader in Louth.

Oh no! The morris dancers are in town!

Let's improve things with a visit to Fuglestow Brewery.

Then it's off to Louth Beer Festival.

Our next stop is a Bateman's house, the Woolpack.

We conclude our tour of Louth at the town's oldest pub, Ye Olde White Swanne.

In the next post we'll follow the canal and then the old railway in a vaguely northerly direction.

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After leaving Guiseley, our first stop is Baildon station, built by the Midland Railway to serve the village of that name up a great big hil...