Sunday, May 7, 2023


From the Pitlochry area we travel NW to a man-made reservoir, Loch Faskally.

Now we head into the Pass of Killicranckie, seen here in an old postcard.

The River Garry passes through the Pass of Killicranckie.

Beyond the Pass of Killicranckie is Blair Atholl station, photographed by Ben Brooksbank in 1962.

Nearby is Blair Castle.

Continuing our journey we reach the Falls of Bruar.

We've been paralleling the Highland main line, which reaches a summit at Drumochter. 26003 passes that point in 1986, heading north.

Coming up the grade in the opposite direction is a class 47 in 1981.

Almost an "about turn" now as we head for the Queen's View overlooking Loch Tummel.

Here's another shot of Loch Tummel, in 1976.

Next, we call in at Aberfeldy to see this Bedford OB of Aberfeldy Motor Services (Photo in my collection - photographer unknown).

Another loch follows, Loch Tay, at Kenmore.

Here's the slipway.

More watery scenery now, at the Falls of Dochart, near Killin.

From the nearby Lix Toll, an old view of Ben More and Sobinian.

At the end of a Caledonian Railway branch was Crieff station, now long gone.

Another CR station, Balquidder, on the Callender and Oban line.

That brings us nicely into Callender itself, seen from the crags.

Here's the station in LMS days.

To reach Callender these days, a bus is required. Midland Bluebird used to provide the service from Stirling.

Tours of the area could be undertaken aboard the "Trossachs Trundler".

Now for a brief excursion towards Glasgow, to reach Drymen, and the excellent Clachan, once Billy Connolly's local.

Back to a more easterly direction and we reach the railway at Dunblane. The station handles some terminating services and had a mechanical signal box in use in 2008.

Services are operated by Scotrail.

Here is the museum at historic Dunblane (Creative Commons License).

By far the most dominant building is the cathedral.

Outside the station in Dunblane is the Dunblane Hotel.

Not far away is the fine free house called the Tappit Hen.

That seems to be a good place to conclude this post. The next one will see us heading for Stirling. You can follow the rather obscure route here.

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After leaving Guiseley, our first stop is Baildon station, built by the Midland Railway to serve the village of that name up a great big hil...