Sunday, July 21, 2024


It's often forgotten that Beverley once had a race course and it still does. Here it is, around 1930.

The town of Beverley's main feature is, of course, its minster.

Inside - the Percy Tomb.

Closer to the markets is St Mary's church.

The Market Cross.

The Wednesday Market Place in 2021.

An East Yorkshire MS AEC Bridgemaster, with its special roof profile, negotiates Beverley Bar (Les Flint).

East Yorkshire still run most of the bus services today.

Acklam's have a small share of bus service provision.

A small company based in the town, Cherry's, once ra a local service around Beverley. 

The company's depot was on the edge of the town centre.

Sadly, the Museum of Army Transport, close to the minster, has now closed. Its most notable exhibit was a Blackburn Beverley.

There was a hovercraft inside the nuseum.

A good selection of railway exhibits was on display.

There's no shortage of pubs in Beverley. On a street called North Bar Within is the Royal Standard, a former Darley's house.

Hodgson's pub is now called the Potting Shed.

Hodgson's pub also housed Wawne Brewery, since closed.

In the heart of town is the Angel.

The Chequers is a great newish micropub.

Not far away is the Dog & Duck.

Just off the town centre is the Durham Ox.

In the Saturday Market, the Green Dragon.

Another ex Darley's house, the Queen's Head.

Next up is the Tiger Inn.

A former Burtonwood house, the Woolpack.

Let's conclude our Beverley crawl at the town's most famous pub - the White Horse (Nellie's).

Right, that's it for Beverley. Next time- pastures new.

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