Saturday, April 10, 2021


 Now we come to very pleasant little town, that is well-pubbed. Thame, still in Oxfordshire is no longer served by rail, so we are obliged to use the bus. The usual big companies operate most of the services, but Z&S run an Optare Solo on rural routes.14th December 2011.

A pub that opens reasonably early, on the main street, is the James Figg, named after a fighting man who was native to Thame. More info here.

The next pub is a cracker! It has even brewed its own beer. Its name? The Cross Keys.

It would be really difficult to miss our final pub in Thame, even in the dark. The Birdcage has plenty of history and sits in the middle of town.

Over the border now, back into Buckinghamshire, to a large village called Haddenham. It's got a nice duck pond. (Photo by Michael Trolove - Creative Commons License)

St Mary's Church, dating from the 12th Century, or earlier, serves the parishioners of Haddenham.

The villagers were well catered for, with two decent pubs, the King's Head and the Red Lion. Sadly the latter is now closed.

Taking a vaguely eastward direction, we come to the small village of Upton, were Mott's Coaches once had a depot. Three of their vehicles are seen here.


Right, that's it for now, but here's a clue as to where we're going in the next post.


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After leaving Guiseley, our first stop is Baildon station, built by the Midland Railway to serve the village of that name up a great big hil...