Sunday, May 16, 2021


So we now head into Grantham, famous for Isaac Newton and Margaret Thatcher. There's so much to do here, that I've had to split it into two posts. We start to the west of the town, to see the remains of the Grantham Canal, which used to terminate at a wharf, but that's all gone.

 On the way towards the railway station, we pass the Huntingtower Arms. It was open when photographed in 2004, but it's now a convenience store.

Taking a short cut, we are about to pass the Britsh Railway Staff Association Club, when we realise there's a beer festival!

So, we reach Grantham station and find a contrast in motive power in LNER days.

In BR ownership, 60026 'Miles Beevor' approaches.

Moving forward into the diesel age, a class 47 arrives on an up train.

Tw more scenes at Grantham, in the early 1980s.

Now for two modern shots.

A recent addition to Grantham station is the Whistle Stop bar on the station's up platform.

We now walk into town and settle in for the evening in the Black Dog.

In the next post, well delve into Grantham a bit more.

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After leaving Guiseley, our first stop is Baildon station, built by the Midland Railway to serve the village of that name up a great big hil...