Friday, May 21, 2021


 I've got so much about Lincoln to show you. Therefore I've split the city into three, This post will concentrate on the southern part of the city, along the High Street and that area, ending before we get to the level crossing by Lincoln Central station. We start on Newark Road, just past the end of the High Street. Outside the Gatehouse pub in 1905, one of Lincoln's electric trams, while another is seen in that vicinity.

Just off the High Street was a cracking Ward's pub, the City Vaults. It's no longer a pub.

As one pub closes, another opens. A new micropub has opened on the High Street, the Imp and Angel.

Another pub that is no longer trading is the Portland Arms. It once had a collection of ducks!

The High Street was once blessed (or cursed) with two level crossings. The one we come to first was that built by the Midland Railway, serving Lincoln St. Marks station. Here are a few pictures in the mid 1970s.

40067 pauses at St. Marks with a railtour in 1979.

This signal box controlled the movements.

The combined bus station/depot of Lincolnshire Road Car was also called St. Marks.

Lincoln Corporation Transport's depot was across the road. They also parked their buses on adjacent railway property.

Back onto the High Street, only to find another closed pub, the Hare & Hounds, which once sold Newark brewed Hole's Ales.

If all else fails, there's a Wetherspoons, the Ritz.

I prefer to conclude this post in the Treaty of Commerce. It's a Bateman's pub.

I'll leave it to Penny the dog to say ' "goodbye" from the Treaty.

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After leaving Guiseley, our first stop is Baildon station, built by the Midland Railway to serve the village of that name up a great big hil...