Saturday, June 5, 2021


I left you at the south end of the Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway and now we've arrived at the nerve centre of the line, Lakeside station. Here we see 'Bonnie Dundee' running round, before the extension was built.

Now we have 'Sian' at Lakeside station.

4-4-0 loco No. 111 arrives.

Beside Lakeside staion is a small museum.

The sgnal box does not control serves drinkers, as it is a minute pub!

Not far away is the engine shed, where a couple of diesels are seen.

Back in 1985, a train passes through the flood barrier as it heads towards Cleethorpes.

Under council ownership, the line was double track and served by Severn-Lamb locos.

Previously it had been operated by battery locos.

At the old northern terminus of the CCLR, a 2-8-0 runs round.

Now, a new station is open, close to the bathing pool. 'Mountaineer' is seen here in 2006.

The bathing pool was used by Grimsby-Cleethorpes transport as a bus terminus.

If you wanted just to get your feet wet, this will suffice.

Between Kingsway and the beach were the gardens....they're still there today.

Cleethorpes beach was used as an arstrip and tourists were conveyed skywards in this biplane in 1923.

In the 1950s/1960s flights continued using an Auster. Certificates were issued.

Now it's tme for a relax on the beach. That's my sister and I, circa 1956.

Now, of course, I'm old enough to drink a pint or two of beer. This place will do fine!

It's called Willy's and it has long brewed its own beer. A good place to finish this post, we'll look at more of Cleethorpes in the next one.

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